Monday, August 16, 2010


Yes i am sick atm. cant believe i got sore-throat when i've to submit 2 assignments and a labreport this week.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Heart

sorry did i hear the sound of glasses dropping on the ground?
i believe my heart just shattered into millions of pieces. :>

yea something like that.

Friday, July 16, 2010


life is filled with unexpected events , u never know how deep u fall until u'v reached to the bottom. i think i can never climb up from this hole anymore.

Monday, July 12, 2010


this is probably the 2nd worst sick i've ever had since i'm in aussie. severe running nose, can barely speak. having 37.2 degree celcius. going to get worse soon =(

Saturday, June 19, 2010

its over!~

BOO YEA, exams over. its prolly a time for me to do some elective stuff, like going on coffee making course. =D yea yea. ofc dere are other course to do like cooking,baking,photography and more i cant think of atm.

been catching up with world cup since exam is over. such disappointment!~ i'm now watching aussie vs ghana match. so funny scores one goal just to get another red card + penalty goal a while later. :>

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

last paper

ITS DOWN TO THE LAST PAPER ALREADY. AHHHHHH!!!! lol, i seemed to be quite crazy already. i quite unmotivated to study actually currently. i just cant wait to get home this june eventhough i cant. cause grandma fell down. yes she fell down , break her left arm when she was alone at home. things would be different if i was at home by then. like staying at home with her etc etc. now i feel terrible now.

but heres the thing. she fell down, broke her arms, she still stood up and went to call my dad/mom/aunt for help. the pain was so intense she couldnt sit down at sofa chair, instead she sat at the living room table. i guess dats the strong-will of a person who has went through poverty and war. yes we were very very very poor before i was born.

hope i could get back this holiday to help out.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


i had my first bdae non-celebration this year. yes i'm studying atm while eating junk food so i've more time studying.